About Us
World Peaces is a Fair Trade social enterprise committed to making the world more connected through creativity and collaboration. We partner with artists and artisans from Africa to Asia to the Americas. We market sustainable handcrafted jewelry, accessories and home goods. We all deserve to be happy, healthy and to increase our contributions to betterness. We believe that peace is something we create together. Join us!

15 W Dunedin Rd. Columbus, OH 43214 United States
Open Mon-Wed: 12-5pm
Th-Fri: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Join us end of April-Nov for Clintonville Farmer's Market 9am-noon
Sundays 11am-3pm
If we aren't open when you are available, email info@worldpeaces.com for a shopping appointment.
Interested in ordering wholesale? Find out more here!